there is nothing better than giving your music library a re-vamp. Even though it took me 16 hours I now have 3214 songs on my ipod and they are all amazing. I'd say theres one for every mood but there's about 50. advice on freshening up your ipod...
- you want a nice variety so you won't get bored, I have stuff from rock and roll to Ludovico Enaudi (a pianist)
- mix it up with the pace, you don't want all slow songs, Radiohead's creep is a perfect example, it's one of the best songs of all time, shit at putting you in a good mood. on the therhand you don't want all fast, especially if you're feeling sorry for yourself.
- Get some of the classics that you don't like but you and everybody else knows, these are good just to have to mess about with like 'wake me up before you go go'. I personally have a few little S club numbers on my ipod, guilty pleasure.
- add album artwork to your songs if you download them illegally (shh...) because ipods look pretty when the songs have pretty pictures on them.
- write a list before you do it and tick them off as you go, worst thing ever when you are in the mood for a song you thought you downloaded and it's not fucking there!
- make a few playlists for different stuff, I have one for when i'm sad, one for when i'm in the shower, one for meditating and a running one that doesn't really get used a lot.
- Make a playlist full of songs you're ALWAYS in the mood for so you can just stick it on shuffle and not have to mess around.
- make sure the song information is all correct and the title is right, this makes it a lot easier to find the song you want.
willing to share my chocolate éclair. Hard work at the PC giving my music library some TLC. |
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